Conditions & Treatment

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Eric Laborde, MD




Helene Fouquet




Tim Ross


January 3, 2024

For many men, erectile dysfunction (ED) will occur as they age. What many do not realize is that ED can often be linked to more serious conditions like cardiac issues, high blood pressure and diabetes. It is important for men to take these conditions seriously and seek further medical attention to screen for other underlying issues.

What is Low T?

Testosterone is an important male hormone that powers a man’s sex drive, reproductive abilities and even the development of muscle and bone. When testosterone levels get too low, men often suffer from a lower sex drive, decreased energy levels and/or feelings of moodiness.

Low T can be tied to a variety of medical conditions, including: autoimmune diseases, obesity, diabetes, metabolic disorders and heart failure.

What is ED?

ED can be the result of many factors and requires a comprehensive snapshot of the patient’s health to figure out. Most men have enough testosterone to maintain erections even after age 60, so ED cannot solely be attributed to Low T. ED can be caused by an abnormality affecting the main contributing factors needed for an erection: blood flow, nervous supply and hormones.

By reducing the risk factors for diabetes and heart disease, including lack of exercise, poor diet and smoking, men can help their chances of preventing ED.

How can I lower my risk?

If you are experiencing signs of Low T or ED, you should consult your physician to identify the root causes of these issues.

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